ADT® Authorized Dealer Serving Jacksonville, St. Augustine, & Surrounding Areas

A Garage Door Sensor In Jacksonville Protects Your Most Vulnerable Entryway

If you’re similar to other Jacksonville residents, your garage door is one of the most susceptible entryways in your house. Sometimes you can leave it open when running out of the house for work You might also find it may not shut entirely after you turn in at night at the end of the day. Fortunately, you’ll never mistakenly leave the door up when you install a Jacksonville garage door sensor that’s connected with your home security system.

With your Jacksonville garage door sensor you have the ability to:

● Check the state of your garage door through any mobile device

● Operate your garage door regardless of your location

● Have notifications sent to your device if your garage door is in use

● Automatically operate and lock your door according to a set timetable

● Implement with most brands of products

ADT Mobile Control App in Jacksonville

Control Your Garage Door With Your Phone

If you’re rushing in the morning, you may not sit around to confirm the garage door is fully down before leaving the driveway. When you have a garage door sensor, you are able to determine the position of the door when you are out running errands through the ADT Control mobile app. In the event that it is in fact still open, simply shut it with a touch of a button. If it’s a common habit, you can use the mobile app to direct your Jacksonville garage door sensor to automatically shut the door a minute or two after it was activated.

Receive Updates When Your Garage Door Lifts

You will know the moment your garage door is raised with a notification to your smartphone. You'll be first to discover when your teens access the house via the garage after school. Or be able to contact and encourage your spouse to start dinner when they get home. And if you're not expecting the garage door to open, you can immediately look into the circumstances by reviewing the video feed from a home security camera.

ADT Security System Keyfob in Jacksonville

Make Your Jacksonville Garage Door Sensor Part of Your Your Home Protection

Your garage door sensor can be a critical part of your Jacksonville smart house. Your garage door may activate if an emergency situation like fire or flooding is identified, creating an opening for emergency services to carry in emergency gear. If your video surveillance cameras identify unusual motion, your garage door sensor will engage to ensure that the biggest opening into your property is closed and secure.

You can even let your garage door function with audible instructions through your AI assistant. You can notify your virtual assistant that you're going out, and have your garage door go down as your doors lock and the alarms flip on. You can also tell your smart speaker “goodnight” and have your system confirm all of your integrated devices are secure for the night.

Get Your Garage Door Sensor When Installing Your Jacksonville Residential Protection Package

A garage door sensor can be an important add-on to your ADT home protection plan. When you contact Secure24 Alarm Systems, our knowledgeable team members will work hard to create the right package for your security needs. Place a call to (904) 297-5779 or send in the form below to begin your home security upgrade.